A Chat with RepFest on "What's New for the 2021 event?"

Millennials in Travel will be at RepFest 2021 taking place from April 20-22, 2021!

RepFest is a virtual trade show, modeled after a music festival, that brings together the curated collections of premiere luxury travel representation companies over the course of three days offering creative content for you to view live or at your leisure. October’s inaugural RepFest brought content from KAI, Index Select, Bennett+Mercado, TL Portfolio and Janine Cifelli Representation. April’s RepFest will have several additional and well respected representation companies as well as a few other surprises.

While the first RepFest was a ‘Celebration of Travel,’ April’s event strives to be a ‘Celebration of the Travel Advisor’. We sat down three of the event organizers, Andrew Finn, Business Development Manager at KAI, Tyler Lamont, Co-Owner of Index Select, and Beatrice Mercado, Co-Owner of Bennett+Mercado  and asked them to share some tidbits about RepFest.

MIT: How does RepFest compare to other trade shows? 

Finn: There is nothing else like RepFest right now.  We are proud of that fact and have already seen some of the larger players in the industry take note of RepFest and start implement key elements of RepFest into their own offerings.  At RepFest you won’t be forced into 1-on-1 meetings that aren’t right for you, mandated to be online at certain times, or even get out of your comfy clothing.  We give full control of how to spend time at RepFest to the participants – after all, no one knows how to spend your time better than you. 

Beatrice Mercado

Beatrice Mercado

Mercado: While we can’t travel to many places right now, RepFest virtually brings hotels and destinations to life. Don’t expect another slide presentation, but rather engaging sessions where our hospitality partners virtually transport you to their corner of the world. Expect to learn cooking techniques from the best chefs in Africa, personally meet indigenous communities in Asia, traverse down a zip line in Central America. These are just a few examples of the unique virtual experiences attendees can expect at RepFest.

Lamont: The style and format are unique in that we don’t focus on heavy detail, information driven meetings. Think a more casual, fun approach to education and networking, as we work to bring guests something creative and inspirational from each supplier’s experience. We also launched this event to bring representation firms together in one place, offering easy access to our collections, and hopefully a space for those advisors and operators to get to know us a bit better. Also, enjoy the flexibility of the show: come in your yoga pants, join when you want for whatever you want, and simply enjoy and get inspired! And maybe the best for last – it is a NON-PROFIT event, and 2021 will be in support of the travel advisor.

MIT: How does RepFest work?

Lamont: At RepFest there will be 5 virtual stages presenting unique content simultaneously – you choose your ‘path’. You’ll also have the ability to break out into chats with any suppliers or other advisors that are also partaking in the show. Don’t forget to stop by the photo booth!!

MIT: What differences will there be from the last RepFest?

Mercado: This year, we’re encouraging travel advisors to extend invitations to their clients. While our communities are getting ready to start traveling again, let RepFest be the medium to help inspire your clients and re-ignite their wanderlust.  Advisors can remain confident that all content at RepFest will be consumer friendly. All sessions will fully advocate that all reservations are booked through travel professionals.

Tyler Lamont

Tyler Lamont

Lamont: We are very excited about a couple of new additions.. for one, we are using an updated system that will allow all video content to run even more smoothly and seamless than last time. We are also opening this up to direct consumers this year, and advisors can encourage their clients to log on and get inspired to travel. This year is focused on the ‘celebration of the travel advisor’. With our industry having been devastated by the paralysis of travel, we are making an effort to support those that have always supported our organizations, and contribute to the recovery of the industry. Last but not least, introducing: a photo booth! Who doesn’t like a good photo booth?

MIT: How did you come up with the RepFest idea?

Finn: I had been hearing over and over how industry colleagues were disappointed in the new virtual trade shows.  After listening to their feedback I set out to create a different way that a virtual show could look and feel.  Ultimately, I decided to model RepFest after a music festival.  What makes the music festival concept so great is that it encourages the audience to explore all of the different options of what is being presented at any given time and decide what is the most intriguing and relevant to them.  It’s that freedom to explore and participate how and when you want that makes RepFest so unique.

MIT: What’s been your favorite part about RepFest?

Andrew Finn

Andrew Finn

Finn: For me, I’ve loved getting to know the other representation companies so well.  We have had a weekly call for 7 months now and seeing everyone’s faces is always a highlight of my week.  While I have yet to meet many of my rep colleagues in person, it feels like we are old friends by now.  I can’t wait for the day that we can all celebrate together in person.

Mercado: Myself and the team at Bennett + Mercado Hospitality truly enjoy the unexpected collaboration with our fellow RepFest hosts, who, often times, are friendly competitors. The travel industry has been one of the hardest hit segments in our country, so I feel very lucky to be a part of this group which lives up to the ideology that we really are “all in this together”.

Lamont: It’s been fun to work with our partners to get creative, and see what unique experiences they can bring to the ‘stage’. We’re even learning more about our own clients! And on a more personal note from our team at Index, we have so appreciated collaborating with our fellow representation firms – each have been so transparent, professional and simply a pleasure to work with.

You can get your ticket to RepFest HERE. As a member of Millennials in Travel, RepFest is offering you a discounted ticket using the code MITRF21. We all look forward to seeing you at RepFest in April!